Pictured left to right: Mel Moore, Joe Hodge, Ron Konen (ret.), Dave Vance, Rex Williams (ret.), Ty Winther, Seth Richmond, Brad Rode, Lonnie Crume, Tim Frisbey, Jole Wells, Walt Sapp (ret.).Foreman Bud Converse is not pictured.

Moscow maintenance crew earns praise, cookies

The Moscow maintenance crew in ITD's District 2 region received a thank you card and plate of homemade cookies last week in appreciation for recent winter road-clearing work.

Moscow maintenance foreman Bud Converse sent a note of thanks to Nicole Sombret Dec. 13 and her young daughter Kaylee for the card and cookies.

"You are all most welcome," Nicole wrote back. "We truly appreciate what you do. We had lived out of town for five years and now live up at the top of Indian Hills. The work you guys do really makes a difference. It can also be a long and occasionally thankless job, but I just wanted everyone there to know how important your job is to me and my family."

"I don't believe we did anything special for them — they are just happy the roads are clear when they get to the highway," said Converse. "It is nice to have someone wave to you, or call to express appreciation, but these folks went above and beyond. It was very nice."

Published 12-23-16