DMV unveils new, faster system to calculate legal weights            

A new tool is increasing the speed and accuracy of calculating legal weights for trucks on Idaho’s highways and improving customer service.

Now, in less than 15 seconds, the department’s permit writers can enter a truck’s axle configuration and calculate the weight a truck can haul on a highway or bridge. It is estimated that the new tool will save 200 to 400 personnel hours annually when fully deployed.

Calculating legal weights used to involve a complicated procedure that included many manual steps, often requiring 10 minutes or longer to complete. The new tool quickly determines if a permit can be issued, and the maximum weights allowed.  

“This effort is another example of how the Division of Motor Vehicles is improving its daily operations,” Bonnie Fogdall, DMV Operations Manager, said. “By allowing decisions to be made closer to where the work is being done we are continually finding innovative ways to improve customer service.”

The project was a collaborative effort involving Lewiston Port of Entry Senior Inspector Mike Rice, former department trainer Carin Joy Condon, and Over-Legal Permit Writers Lance Green and Charlie Bussey (pictured above with new system).

The new tool is currently deployed in the Over-Legal Permits Unit and is undergoing final testing and features development before implementation at the Ports of Entry. 

Published 05-05-17