3M working on Dealer Accounting sections for modernization project

From GarnetGazette, project report
Since ITD signed the modernization contract with 3M, work on the GARNET (Giving customers a secure Automated Records Network) project has proceeded at a very fast pace.

3M experts have been on-site and spend every other week at ITD Headquarters working diligently with ITD staff. Their first task was to do analysis for the Dealer Licensing and Accounting functions (DLRS & ATMM).

3M takes a staged approach, and began with the Dealer and Accounting Sections. They have completed their solution validation procedure and are working on business rules in JAD (Joint Application Development) sessions. 3M will begin work on the Title and Registration processes (MOVRS) in late summer/early fall.

This spring they will proceed with the analysis of the Driver Licensing processes (DRIVS). 3M will build a new component for the Commercial Vehicles (Motor Carriers, Ports of Entry, Overlegal Permits: CTRAMS)) functions because they do not have this component in their suite of products.

"This is beneficial to ITD in the fact that we can have it built to suit our needs, and it is a benefit to 3M, since they will then be able to add that component to their motor vehicle products," explains project manager Amy Smith.

Eventually 3M will have special teams working on the different stages simultaneously. 3M takes a very structured, organized approach to analysis and design, using the expertise of their own staff, along with subject matter experts from the department.

For each phase of the modernization, 3M uses special teams that are experts in that particular phase. Along with ITD experts, they also will rely on the knowledge of our county subject matter experts to assist in analyzing how closely their existing system will meet our needs and determining what additional requirements must be met by designing enhancements to meet our requirements.

See Garnet Gazette for more details.

Published 7-22-2011