Expanding coverage

An addition to the Mountain Home maintenance shed, scheduled for completion in mid-October, will allow the crew to put trucks in the expanded, covered building with the plow and sander attached. That’s something they’ve been unable to do since 2007 when the newest fleet of trucks arrived.
The trucks were too long with the plow and sander attachments, meaning they had to be left outside in the winter. 
To provide much-needed protection for the maintenance trucks, ITD added 14 feet to the front of the building. Construction started July 10.

The addition, which cost $277,000, allows the trucks to be housed inside where preventative maintenance, such as oil changes and lubrication can take place and for the removal of ice and snow from the equipment to reduce corrosion.

The capacity also doubled to accommodate six trucks.
 “The savings on vehicle wear-and-tear will be substantial,” said district operations manager Tom Points.

Published 9-14-2012