District 3 celebrates the season

Each December, the District 3 current staff and retirees take part in a holiday luncheon to celebrate the season. This year the party took place on Thursday, Dec. 14, with a great turnout — at least 20 retirees.
District Engineer Dave Jones opened the celebration by welcoming the retirees and thanking the district for all the hard work on projects and maintenance. He praised the group for striving to attain the goal of continual improvement.
For the first time, a challenge was issued to each section to create a basket for the raffle (photo above). The winning section got to go through the food line first. As you can imagine, this got the creative juices flowing, along with the salivary glands.
District 3 encouraged any idea. Some were quite outrageous, such as the "Load for the Commode" basket that was full of "going green" supplies for comfort while … well, you know. There was a "Rolling Rock" basket full of geometric formations, Rolling Rock “near beer” and an Idaho lottery ticket. There were a few relaxation-themed baskets and a movie-themed basket complete with a movie. 
When the votes were tabulated, the "Rolling Rock" basket emerged as the people's choice.
The creators of the people's choice basket (John Arambarri, David Farrer and Zane Smith) also took home three of the raffle baskets.

Photo: Retiree Bill Sacht, former District 3 Engineer, and his wife, Helen.

Published 12-21-2012