D-3 pauses to honor contributions of employees

Like a lot of other departments, the volume of work at ITD's District 3 has contributed at times to an environment where individual contributions were not readily acknowledged.

So a few years ago during Employee Appreciation Week, the district instituted a “thank you” display, allowing cards, articles and notes of gratitude to be posted regarding examples of above-and-beyond service.
“We just kept our heads down and forged ahead, without coming up for air often enough and thanking those around us who made our successes possible,” explained District Engineer Dave Jones.
There have been between 25-50 notes of thanks, Transporter articles and words of appreciation posted.
Jones loves it.
“I’m absolutely tickled,” he said. “It’s too bad we didn’t do more of this before, but I think it is extremely valuable to helping create an atmosphere where contributions are acknowledged. It’s odd we didn’t do more of it until lately, but I am so glad to see it happening more and more.”
“The cards on the board are just one way of saying thanks for helping, providing solid customer service or simply volunteering to go above and beyond. In hallways, at meetings, and out in the field, I’m seeing our staff take the time to verbally acknowledge coworkers and partners to say thanks,” Jones added.
More than 20 employees from D-3, mostly maintenance workers, were on duty Thanksgiving. They deserve special recognition. Just the kind of thanks the D-3 “thank you" board was created for.

Published 12-6-13