Signs, money and services top board agenda at Dec. 18 meeting

Outdoor advertising signs, a financial report and professional service agreements will be lead discussion topics during the Idaho Transportation Board’s monthly meeting Dec. 18 in Headquarters’ Auditorium.

Outdoor Advertising Report
The board will receive an annual report on the outdoor advertising program.

In FY14, there were six applications for new signs, which is similar to recent years. There were no appeals of any sign denials or removal orders.

There are seven illegal signs and 189 non-conforming signs throughout the state. Illegal signs do not comply with state and federal law and are to be removed. Non-conforming signs complied with law at one time, but due to a change in conditions or rules, lost their conforming status. Non-conforming signs are allowed to remain in place but cannot be improved.

Financial Report
As of Oct. 31, revenue to ITD from the Highway Distribution Account is ahead of forecast by just over two percent. State revenues to the State Aeronautics Fund are ahead of the forecast by about four percent.

The department’s expenditures are within the planned budget amounts for the year to date, with the exception of the Facilities program. The expenditures were higher for this program due to a timing difference between planned and actual expenditures plus encumbrances for building projects.

Overall, the financial operations are sound.

Professional Service Agreements
Every month, staff reports on the construction professional services agreements and term agreement work tasks issued during the preceding month.

In November, 26 new professional services agreements and work tasks were issued in the amount of $1,048,986.  Ten of those were issued because ITD did not have the resources available to do the work in-house, including roadway design, surveying, and materials work. Six were issued because of the special expertise required for roadway design, bridge design, environmental work, hydraulics work and surveying. The other 10 were issued for local public-agency projects.

Published 12-12-14