Hailey Maintenance thanked for barbed-wire removal
from Blaine County bike path

Hailey maintenance foreman Steve Porter and his crew removed more than a mile of old barbed wire along a bike path north of Hailey, from Ohio Gulch to the Big Wood River, in early March, prompting a letter of appreciation from resident Daralene Finnell.

“Last week a very good thing happened,” said Finnell.  “The easement along this section of the bike path is the property of the ITD.  The defunct barbed wire was a hazard and an eyesore. 

“The bike path is such a wonderful asset to our valley.  The southern portion of it was repaved last summer, thanks to a special bond passed by the voters, and now the path is even more beautiful and safer. Good job!”

Although ITD does not usually perform path maintenance, the Hailey Maintenance staff was able to remove the defunct barbed wire during the unusually slow winter.

Porter is pictured to right, receiving a service award in 2014.

Published 06-05-15