ITD honors Harrison’s TOPS #338 for 22 years of service,
six tons of litter picked up

If ITD could have influenced Santa’s legendary "Nice List," the agency would have definitely asked to have all Adopt-A-Highway (AAH) volunteers on it.

Of all these supportive groups and organizations, the Harrison TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) #338 group would have to be at the top of the list. Not necessarily for filling up more trash bag or doing more litter pick-up than any other group, but for the longevity of their dedication and service. The Harrison TOPS group has participated in the program for at least 22 years. Through all the broken glass, cigarette butts, wrappers and aluminum cans, it is estimated that the group has bagged more than six tons of litter on Idaho 97 from milepost 66-69.

When ITD’s program coordinator for the northern Idaho region was making contract-renewal calls, she was surprised to learn this group did not want to renew their two-year contract. Longtime member Gwen Wadley was quick to share that this was a tough decision, but was necessary due to the age of their members — most of whom are in their mid to late 70s and even 80s.

Wadley explained that working in the ditches and other uneven areas has also become a safety concern. Eileen DuHamel commented that although a few of their members have had knee and hip replacements and could not participate in the actual litter pickups, that did not stop them from getting out of their homes, going to the Harrison Senior Center, and cooking breakfast for those who were able to work along the roadside.

Upon retiring the TOPS #338 group from their Adopt-A-Highway activities, Wadley ensured that the tradition would continue. Pride in her small community of 200, with a local business strip spanning just five blocks, led her to recruit a replacement organization. As of this coming spring, the Harrison Community Baptist Church will take over this highway’s adoption and pick up where the TOPS group left off.

Todd Moore, Minister of the church, spoke highly of Wadley, saying she is a tremendous asset to any group. “She knows how to keep things going. The TOPS group always seems to be there to step up in a big way. And, they do it over and over again.”  

Damon Allen, District 1 engineer for the Idaho Transportation Department, congratulates the Harrison TOPS #338 group for their 22 years of service, as well as the many other groups and organization that participate in Idaho’s Adopt-A-Highway program.

“To each of you, thank you for your service, commitment and dedication to our ‘Idaho is too great to litter’ campaign,” he said.

TOPS group members Judy Aktepy and DuHamel agreed that roadside littering at Harrison’s milepost 66-69 has dropped off considerably through the years. During the first 17 years of volunteer service, the organization would pick up over 17 “stuffed” bags of litter on this three-mile stretch of road. Since 2010, only about 10 bags of trash are filled — and they are “not so stuffed.”

Whether this trend was brought about through citizen awareness, cultural shifts, or influences from the Adopt-A-Highway Program, Idahoans have steadily been doing their part to keep Gem State roadways clean.
The Adopt-A-Highway program has accounted for more than two million pounds of trash picked up from Idaho’s roadsides in its 25 years, amounting to millions of dollars in savings that were then re-directed to highway construction and needed maintenance to improve highway safety and driving conditions. ITD estimates that this program saves about $750,000 annually – adding up to nearly $19 million.

As a writer of this article and a proud fourth-generation North Idahoan, Karsann agrees that “Idaho really is too great to litter. It’s my home and yours. Let’s all continue to do a great job to continue taking care it.”

For more information about this program, go to and click on the Adopt-A-Highway link, or contact Robin Karsann at 208-772-8011.

Pictured above: Members of the Idaho TOPS Chapter 338 display the Adopt-a-Highway sign at their last meeting in November. The group retired after 17 years of volunteer service to the clean-up program. Seated, from left; Judy Aktepy and Jean Dohrman,  Standing, from left;  Karen Sharon, Barbara Harpole, Carol Stendahl, Valerie Harris, Eileen Duhamel, Gwen Wadley, Sherri Lomas, Deanna King, Fran Miller, Jo Prophet, Elaine Desautel, Helen Lower and Paulette Davis.

Published 12-31-15