Staffing solution enables customer-service upgrade

Last fall, ITD's Motor Carrier Services office was vastly understaffed due to retirements and promotions, which caused a backlog of phone calls and customer information/credential requests. In the interest of improved customer service and better internal efficiency, DMV staff collaborated in order to find a solution.

Former Overlegal Permits Supervisor Gustavo Salazar, Ports of Entry Manager Pat Carr and East Boise POE Sr. Inspector Caleb Forrey determined that they could utilize East Boise POE staff member Yi Liu (pictured left) to assist with the backlog of customer calls for commercial vehicle registrations and annual overlegal permits.

"Liu was allowed access to the appropriate mainframe and call systems to allow her to assist DMV in providing the great quality customer service that our customers are used to," explained Motor Carrier Services Manager Reymundo Rodriguez.

Liu said the opportunity to respond to calls was a good reminder about the overall operations of Motor Carrier Services.

"It helped me stay sharp," said Liu, who has worked for the transportation department for almost five years. "And I wanted customers to have a good experience."

The Sage Junction Port of Entry also helped clear the backlog of calls. Between the two ports of entry, over 150 phone calls were cleared, with an average time of 5:47 per call.


Published 09-02-16