Retirement specialist to speak at HQ, D-3

Jason Daum, the new Nationwide Retirement Solutions Representative for Headquarters and District 3, will be at both locations next week to explain what the Nationwide Retirement Solutions Deferred Compensation Program is all about and how it ties in with PERSI.

There will be four sessions from which to choose:

  • Wednesday, April 6, 9 a.m.-10 a.m., HQ Auditorium
  • Wednesday, April 6, 2 p.m.-3 p.m., HQ Auditorium
  • Thursday, April 7, 9 a.m.-10 a.m., District 3 large conference room
  • Thursday, 2 p.m.-3 p.m., District 3 large conference room

No sign-ups are needed.

Daum will be available after each session to answer questions and set up future one-on-one appointments with those who would like to do so.  The topics of discussion will include:
"Retirement gap,” which is the shortage between what people need in retirement and what PERSI and Social Security will pay;
The different investment options within deferred comp and the different strategies to help employees have a comfortable retirement;
How to access money in the account once a participant retires;
And other benefits Nationwide offers.
Daum has been involved in financial services work since 1996, starting as a stock broker.  In 2007, he started his career as a Retirement Specialist for Nationwide. 
Besides taking care of our needs, Jason also takes care of all state, county and city employees in southern Idaho as far east as Pocatello.

Published 4-1-2011