Our Mission. Your Mobility.


Repaving project on US-20 in Island Park begins August 14

UPDATE: The contractor will begin work at 5 p.m. and not 7 p.m. like originally stated.

ISLAND PARK---The Idaho Transportation Department will begin repaving on US Highway 20 through Island Park on August 14 and is expected to last until late September.

Repaving will take place on the 17.6 mile stretch of US-20 from Pine Haven Drive North to Island Park Lodge between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.

The roadway will be reduced to one lane in alternating shifts to allow traffic flow. During this time there will be flaggers on the road as well as a pilot car to lead traffic approximately two and a half miles each shift. This will continue until the project is completed in late September.

Repaving is important to maintaining the roadways. Heavy traffic takes a toll on both concrete and asphalt, producing ruts and surface generated cracks. Road resurfacing increases the safety of our roadways and contributes to longevity and clarity of road markings.

Drivers are encouraged to obey traffic laws, traffic signs, and construction signs while traveling through work zones.

For updates on traffic impacts on state highways and interstates, drivers should check 511.idaho.gov  before traveling. 

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