Our Mission. Your Mobility.


Mark Pfeifer
ITD Communication

Reminder: Open house for US-12 Clearwater Memorial Bridge will be held September 12

LEWISTON — As a reminder, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will host an open house for the community to learn more about the U.S. Highway 12 Clearwater Memorial Bridge improvements on Tuesday, September 12 from 2- 7 p.m. PST at the Hells Canyon Grand Hotel. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions about the upcoming deck construction beginning in mid-September.

ITD will share renderings of the bridge improvements and have staff on hand to expand on impacts to the traveling public. The department’s goal is to safely accommodate drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclist during construction.

View one of the renderings.

For more information about the project please visit itdprojects.org/us12memorialbridge.

Just a reminder to spell out all acronyms on first mention.
