Our Mission. Your Mobility.


Megan Jahns
ITD Communication

Month-long ramp closures start tomorrow morning at I-84 Simco Road Interchange

MOUNTAIN HOMEā€”The westbound on- and off-ramps at the I-84 Simco Road Interchange (Exit 74) will close tomorrow morning as crews continue rebuilding the interchange.

The closure is expected to last more than one month, with drivers detoured to the nearest interchange to the west at Exit 71 to access the freeway. The eastbound on- and off-ramps at Exit 74 will remain open.

Construction began in July to rebuild the bridge over I-84, which was built in 1959. While being reconstructed in place, the bridge will have one lane open so that motorists can cross over the freeway. Work is expected to be complete next summer. 

Download a photo of construction activities.

Travelers are reminded to know before they go and check 511.idaho.gov for traffic impacts.

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