Sophia Miraglio
ITD Communication
Full road closure near Boise Town Square beginning April 26
BOISE - The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD), in conjunction with Ada County Highway District and the Boise Valley Railroad, will close Milwaukee Street from Westpark Street to Franklin Road April 26 through April 29. The full closure is necessary to replace the railroad crossing in the area.
The Milwaukee crossing was installed in 2006, and the last major maintenance of the crossing surface was completed more than ten years ago. This construction will bring the railroad crossing level with the roadway, creating a smoother driving experience for the traveling public.
“There are two trains that use these tracks every day, and they are vital for Idaho’s commerce. In order to replace the crossing quickly, a full closure is needed," said Blaine Schwendiman, the Rail-Highway Crossing Manager for ITD.
Drivers will still be able to access businesses during the closure.