Our Mission. Your Mobility.


Justin Smith
ITD Communication

Traffic patterns change at System Interchange

POCATELLO - Beginning this morning, traffic patterns are changing at the System Interchange. Traffic using the southbound entrance ramp from Northgate can now merge with the new southbound alignment and will no longer be detoured through the Interstate 86 Chubbuck exit before returning to Interstate 15.

In addition, southbound I-15 traffic wishing to travel west on I-86 will now drive over the new Chubbuck bridge before exiting to the right. 

Motorists are encouraged to keep up-to-date via https://511.idaho.gov or the 511 app to keep track of project detours. Project details are available here on ITD’s projects website --https://itdprojects.idaho.gov/pages/i-86i-15-system-interchange

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