Our Mission. Your Mobility.


Mollie McCarty
ITD Chief External Affairs Officer

U.S. 30 improvement project near Hagerman begins today (Sept. 19)
SHOSHONE - Reconstruction of U.S. 30 from the Hagerman Rest Area to Banbury Hot Springs (mileposts 184-191) began Monday (Sept. 19), the Idaho Transportation Department announced.

Traffic will be reduced from two lanes to one during daylight hours with flaggers and pilot cars directing motorists. Delays of 10-15 minutes can be expected. Speeds limits will be reduced from 60 mph to 50 mph.

The highway will be rehabilitated using a process called Cement Recycled Asphalt Base Stabilization (CRABS). In this procedure, crews grind the existing roadway surface down to the gravel base, add cement and compact it. The surface then is covered with a new layer of pavement. Guardrails along the seven-mile route will also be replaced.

The $2.3 million project, expected to be completed by mid-October, will create a safer, smoother road surface. Western Construction, Inc. of Boise is the project contractor.
