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Use extra caution when driving in or near school zones

BOISE - School is under way and young people seem to be everywhere. The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) reminds motorists to pay extra attention when driving in or near school zones.


"The campaign gives each of us an opportunity to think about how we drive in school zones, and how lives are impacted by the driving choices we make," said Margaret Goertz, with ITD's Office of Highway Operations and Safety.


ITD reminds motorists that violating a posted speed limit in a school zone will cost at least $151.50. Law enforcement officers throughout Idaho will increase their vigils in school zones Oct. 17-25.


In addition to the fine, local governments can make speeding penalties even higher for school zones within their jurisdictions.


"Everyone needs to drive to save lives because families are affected by driving choices made, and we cherish our family and friends," Goertz explained. "Make a commitment to driving safely and help Idaho achieve its 'Toward Zero Deaths' goal of eliminating deaths on Idaho highways and streets. Every life is important."


The school zone education and enforcement campaign is funded through ITD's Office of Highway Operations and Safety. The safety effort will be held in conjunction with National Teen Driver Safety Week, which is Oct. 18-22.
