Mark your calendar for the McCall Family Fly-In, Aug. 12-14
BOISE - Pilots, aviation enthusiasts and families will converge at the McCall Airport Aug. 12-14 for the McCall Family Fly-In. Sponsored by the Idaho Transportation Departments Division of Aeronautics, the city of McCall and the McCall Airport, the weekend event will feature a wide array of activities.
Pilots and their families from around the country are drawn to Idaho because of the unique access to the backcountry, says Frank Lester, Division of Aeronautics. McCall is the gateway to Idahos wilderness and the community provides an ideal destination point.
The event includes a hangar party with live music and food by C.W. Butch Welch (a.k.a. Cee Dub), an airplane poker run, a ping-pong ball drop contest, aircraft displays, military fly-bys, childrens activities, a pancake breakfast, lake tours and tours of the smoke jumper base. Free airplane flights will be offered to children ages 8-17 through the Experimental Aircraft Associations Young Eagles program.
Native Idahoan Cee Dub returns to the fly-in to lead his popular Dutch oven cooking classes. Dutch oven cooking appeals to campers, and especially to pilots who fly into the backcountry. Welchs stories and recipes come from years in the backcountry as part of river and hunting trips, and as a conservation officer for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Welch is the host of a television cooking show and has authored several cookbooks.
A variety of seminars will be offered, as well as two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-sponsored pilot and aircraft safety programs, Wings and PACE (Pilot and Aircraft Courtesy Evaluation).
The McCall Family Fly-In is open to the public. Fees may apply for some activities. For program details and to register, visit itd.idaho.gov/aero or call the Idaho Division of Aeronautics at (208) 334-8775 or (800) 426-4587 (toll-free in Idaho only). For lodging, call In!Idaho at (800) 844-3246 or visit www.inidaho.com .
The fly-in is organized by the Idaho Division of Aeronautics, the FAA, the city of McCall, the McCall Airport, the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce, McCall Aviation, the McCall chapter of the Idaho Aviation Association and numerous volunteers. BOISE