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Riverbank roadwork north of Salmon will disrupt highway, river traffic
RIGBY - A maintenance crew will work to stabilize the river bank along U.S. 93 north of Salmon in the area between Tower Creek and Red Rock starting Monday, Oct. 17, the Idaho Transportation Department announced. Traffic will be one-way at places in the work zone through the end of November.

The work is being done in the river and along the bank near a curve in the highway at milepost 315,  Motorists are asked to slow down and be prepared to stop. Boaters and fishermen are advised use caution near the work zone.

The Salmon River overflowed its banks in recent years between Tower Creek and Red Rock and eroded the river bank, undercutting the roadway. Emergency repairs were made; however, further work is required to stabilize the bank.

The speed limit will be reduced through the work zone.  When traffic is reduced to one lane, flaggers will be posted to direct traffic.

The crew will work 12-hour days, Mondays through Fridays. The road will be open to two-lane traffic at night and on weekends.
