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Amity Avenue environmental document available for public review and comment

NAMPA – The Idaho Transportation Department and the city of Nampa have published the Amity Avenue Environmental Assessment for public review and comment. The document describes the project improvements for Amity Avenue and how would affect the environment.

Recent growth has caused increasing delays and congestion along the one-mile corridor. Improvements would include widening the roadway from two to four lanes between Chestnut Street and Kings Corner, adding signals at Chicago Street and Powerline Road, and adding sidewalks on both sides of the road.

The Environmental Assessment describes how the improvements would affect environmental factors such as community cohesion, air quality and noise. Copies are available for public review at the Nampa City Public Library, Nampa City Hall and www.cityofnampa.us/engineering.

The City of Nampa and ITD will host a public hearing on Aug. 17 to collect public comments about the project. The hearing will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. at the NNU Brandt Center (707 Fern St. in Nampa).

Public hearing materials will be posted at www.cityofnampa.us/engineering by Aug. 18. Those who could not attend the hearing are invited to an online Q&A session on Aug. 23 or 25. The online sessions will begin at 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. both days.

?Public comments also will be accepted by e-mail (bowmancm@cityofnampa.us) and mail (Nampa City Hall, 411 3rd St., Nampa, 83651) until Sept. 1, 2011. All comments will be added to the formal project record and reviewed by the Federal Highway Administration

The Amity Avenue improvements would qualify for $8 million in federal funding. An engineering study and public input helped the city identify the one-mile stretch that most needed improvements.

The Federal Highway Administration will review public comment before making a decision about the environmental document. If it is approved, construction could begin as early as 2012.

For more information, please contact:

Sharla Arledge                                    

City of Nampa                                   

Public Information Officer                 

(208) 468-5411          
