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FHWA approves ITDs recommendations for U.S. 95 Thorncreek Road to Moscow
LEWISTON - The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has approved the three U.S. 95 Thorncreek Road to Moscow alternatives/alignments recommended by the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) for further study.

The three alternative/alignments are the same ones shown to the public at the January 2006 open house W4, C3 and E2.

ITD will continue to analyze a "no action" alternative/alignment. "No action" will be established as a baseline of existing conditions.

The U.S. 95 Thorncreek Road to Moscow Project, led by ITD, will determine, design and construct an alignment for nearly 6.5 miles of U.S. 95 in Latah County. This portion of the project will result in an Environmental Impact Statement, which identifies the preferred alignment.

FHWA's approval means ITD will now analyze three alternatives/alignments in greater detail and document findings in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The DEIS will also recommend an alternative/alignment for design and construction.  

"We have worked closely with the partnering agencies and the public to develop these alternatives/alignments and we are now ready to move forward on the DEIS," Ken Helm, ITD Project Manager, said.

The public will have the opportunity to provide input on the DEIS and the recommended alternative/alignment at a public hearing.

ITD will continue to communicate with the public through monthly breakfast meetings, newsletters, the project information kiosk and the Web site during the analysis of W4, C3 and E2 and the preparation of the DEIS.

Breakfast meetings to provide project updates and answer questions take place the second Tuesday of each month at the Sandpiper Grill Restaurant, 414 N. Main St. in Moscow, from 7 to 8 a.m. The next breakfast meeting is June 13.

The project information kiosk is located at Moscow City Hall, 206 E. Third St. It is updated regularly and contains maps, newsletters and other project information. The kiosk will be at the Moscow Farmers' Market on July 15 and ITD staff will be available to answer questions about the project.

ITD appreciates the communitys involvement in this project.

"There is a high level of interest in the project and we appreciate all the people who have attended public open houses, workshops and breakfast meetings, along with those who have visited the Web site and communicated with ITD by email," Helm said.

To see maps of the three alternatives/alignments approved by FHWA, visit the project Web site at: www.itd.idaho.gov, go to Get Involved, choose North-Central Idaho, click on U.S. 95 Thorncreek Road to Moscow, Stage 1.

For more information about the project, call Ken Helm, ITD project manager, at 799-5090; send an email to thorncreekroadtomoscow@itd.idaho.gov or visit the Web site.
