Our Mission. Your Mobility.


Reed Hollinshead
ITD Communication

Alive at 25 defensive-driving class earns National Safety Council award

BOISE - The National Safety Council earlier this summer named the Alive at 25 program as the winner of its Astonishing Achievement Award for outstanding training efforts and hard work to make Idaho’s highways safer. The award recognized the Idaho Transportation Department’s training efforts in the defensive-driving class.

“Thanks to dedicated instructors willing to present the class outside their regular hours, many lives have been saved on our roadways,” said Margaret Goertz of ITD’s Office of Highway Safety.

Since 2012, Alive at 25 instructors have been Idaho Instructor Trainers in law enforcement, representing 18 agencies statewide. In that time, more than 20,000 Idaho students have completed classes, and the program continues to grow. Initial training began in 2007.

“Idaho law enforcement instructors are the stars in this program, and student evaluations show this,” Goertz added. “The officers see the potential to help prevent crashes by influencing the driving choices made by young drivers. It is a very positive interaction with those drivers who are statistically most likely to be in a crash.”

ITD will be recognized at the 2016 NCS Congress and Exposition in Anaheim, California on Oct. 15.

The NSC describes the Astonishing Achievement award as being presented to training centers “whose accomplishments far exceed any other training center in their group. The Astonishing Achievement award is given to those organizations that overshadow the field.”

The National Safety Council’s defensive-driving courses began in 1964 and have so far graduated more than 70 million drivers.
