Our Mission. Your Mobility.


Mollie McCarty
ITD Chief External Affairs Officer

Idaho Transportation Department and Idaho State Police encourage safety during winter maintenance activities
BOISE - Motorists are urged to use caution on icy roads today and be aware of winter maintenance vehicles, the Idaho Transportation Department and Idaho State Police announced.

Maintenance crews with ITD's southwest Idaho district are working around the clock to protect motorists from icy roads. The ten counties are maintained with 43 10-wheeler trucks and about 20 smaller trucks. Crews usually apply anti-icer (magnesium chloride) before storms to prevent ice from forming.  Sand and salt mixtures are abrasives used to provide traction after a storm has left snow or ice on the road. Motorists are encouraged to cooperate with these highway workers and use the following tips:
  •     Remain at least two car lengths behind snowplows for every 10 mph you drive.  Sand being spread can damage your vehicle.
  •     If you need to pass a snowplow, allow extra space before cutting back in front of the snowplow.  The plow blades are often covered with snow and can be difficult to see.
  •     Dont brake suddenly if you are traveling in front of a snowplow.  It cannot stop as quickly as an automobile.

Additional winter driving tips can be found on ISP's Web site at www.isp.state.id.us/Winterdriving.html.

"Motorists have an important role in winter driving safety," said ISP Region 3 Commander Capt. Steve Richardson.  "The most crucial things for motorists to remember are to buckle their seat belt, reduce their speed and leave extra distance behind other vehicles."  

Travelers on Idaho's highways this winter also can become better prepared for inclement weather and challenging driving conditions by checking the Idaho 511 Traveler Service Web site and telephone system before embarking on a trip.

Introduced last year as a successor to the Idaho road report, 511 uses emerging technology to convey current highway and weather conditions to motorists. Travelers can log onto the Web site at 511.Idaho.gov or access the statewide telephone reporting system by dialing 5-1-1. Information is available 24 hours per day about road closures, highway and weather conditions, mountain passes and the interstate highway system.
