Public Transportation Summit helps service providers statewide

The Public Transportation Summit, hosted by the Idaho Transportation Department’s Public Transportation (ITD-PT) Office, is in its third year and features new trainings from subject-matter experts in a variety of fields. About 120 people are expected, double the number of attendees from just two years ago.

Specifically geared toward agencies that provide public transportation or have a vested interested in transit, the event will be held July 30 through August 1 in Boise.

"The annual summit will assist existing or new recipients of public transportation funding in obtaining training and information to be successful. Our goal is to continually support and promote coordination between agencies, local stakeholders, and organizations with a focus on sustaining and improving public-transportation services,” explained Shauna Miller, Grants Officer with ITD's Public Transportation Office.

"The summit's strategic agenda is designed to facilitate and maximize efficiencies in public-transportation programs, and offer unique and innovative insight into present and future opportunities for the public transportation network in Idaho."

Grant programs administered by the ITD-PT office are designed to offer financial assistance for operating and capital public-transportation projects. These projects focus on meeting the mobility needs throughout the State of Idaho, providing trips and improving access for the general public, commuters, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and more.

Representatives from the Idaho Transportation Department and guest trainers will discuss upcoming funding application project eligibility, as well as project management for capital-construction projects, safety, driver recruitment and retention, and procurement with attendees.

Staff has put together a full three days of technical assistance, workshops, and peer-to-peer networking opportunities covering topics that impact the world of public transportation.

Here's the link to rewgister for the event:

Published 07-19-19