District 4 office relocation, Camas County safety, Twin Falls traffic concerns, and Whitehead recognition highlight July board meeting

The relocation of District 4’s headquarters, zero fatalities (again) on Camas County roads, traffic and bridge concerns of Twin Falls, and recognition of former chairman Jerry Whitehead, were discussed at July’s Idaho Transportation Board meeting in Shoshone.

District 4 Tour
As part of the District 4 tour on July 17, the board visited the Cassia County boat-inspection site. Idaho’s watercraft inspection stations were established as a defense against the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species. The inspection stations are located on major highways at or near Idaho’s borders. ITD is a valuable partner with the Department of Agriculture on this program.

The board also toured the aging District 4 office. They reviewed the facility's shortcomings concerning ADA compliance, and discussed how those with disabilities have to navigate through the building. Those in attendance were also made aware of other building deficiencies including items such as plumbing, heating and laboratory ventilation, among others.

At its business meeting in Shoshone on July 18, the board heard from several local delegations.

Lincoln County expressed appreciation for recent improvements to US-26 and the planned passing-lane project on US-93. It also communicated concerns with the potential relocation of the District 4 administrative office.

The Twin Falls mayor thanked the board for its partnership, especially with the visitor center by the US-93 Perrine Bridge. The city would like US-30 re-routed out of downtown, as it believes that would improve safety and the economic viability of the area.

The Greater Twin Falls Area Transportation Committee emphasized the need to construct an additional river crossing in the Twin Falls area. It does not believe the two main crossings - the SH-50 Hansen Bridge and US-93 Perrine Bridge - are sufficient for the growth the area is experiencing.

Zero Fatalities Award
Camas County was recognized for recording zero highway fatalities in 2018. The sheriff, county commissioners, Idaho State Police, and ITD’s maintenance staff were commended for their partnership and exemplary service keeping the roads and traveling public safe. This was the second year in a row that Camas County had zero fatalities.

Policy Updates
The board approved revisions to Board Policy 4017 Office of Internal Review and concurred with changes to the corresponding Administrative Policy, 5017 Office of Internal Review.

The Board Policy revisions are to use industry best practice language for assurance activity of internal review and remove the operational approval of the audit plan. The Administrative Policy is being revised to consolidate and clarify language and terms, and remove performance measures.
All policies can be found on Share Point under Policy Finder:  http://itdportal/sites/Admin/BSM3/PolicyFinder/default.aspx

Recognition of Outgoing Chairman
The board also took time to thank outgoing chairman Jerry Whitehead for his service. Whitehead joined the board in 2009 as the District 3 member, and took over as chairman in 2013.

Published 07-26-19