Chainsaw mount adds to operators’ safety

Every operator knows more than snow falls on the road in winter. For the Lolo Pass area in North-Central Idaho, trees fall regularly with the flurries.

Relief plow driver Bill Foust has run into his fair share of downed trees on US-12. It usually comes down to him and his chainsaw to make the road passable.

Storing the chainsaw has historically been an issue. You don’t want to keep it outside as it can get too cold for it to start or at the very least covered in snow and ice. You don’t want to keep it unsecured in the cab with you as it could easily become a 12-pound projectile in any sort of collision.

Back to his regular job as a department records inspector, Foust built a holder that attaches the passenger seat and rests the chainsaw on the floor.

“The big benefit is you have a place inside the cab that you can safely store the chainsaw inside where it’s actually mounted to something,” Foust said.

Foust’s homemade innovation was made with old signs and an hour of labor.



Published 09-13-19