Be Like Bob, Do It like Dan

The humble spirit of ITD employees means that some above-and-beyond efforts can go unnoticed, even by our fellow workers.

Now that it is the season of giving, let’s take the time to remember when those around us did a good deed, whether at work or in their communities.

One story from this spring recently resurfaced.

D2 Shop Foreman Dan Luper and Operations Engineer Bob Schumacher were at dinner after attending training in Boise that day. As they prepared to leave the parking lot in their state truck, a woman flagged them over to her car stopped in the middle of the lot.

She had just run out of gas on the way to take her two little girls to ice cream.

Luper and Schumacher didn’t hesitate to offer help – they went to Home Depot, bought a gas can, filled it up and got her car road-ready again.

“She wanted to, but we didn’t let her pay or anything,” Luper recalled. “You always try to help people when you can.”

Though the pair will likely never again encounter the family hungry for mint chip ice cream, stories like these show the public’s trust for the department.

“There are many stories similar to this that occur throughout the state by all of our great employees,” D2 District Engineer Doral Hoff said. “In any event this is simply one instance where we were able to show how we go the extra mile to help motorists stay safe and get their ice cream too!”

Published 12-06-19