L to R: Monica Crider, Ned Parrish, Holly McClure, Barbara Waite and Shauna Dillenbeck.

HQ Contracting Services
issues Holiday Food Basket challenge

The Contracting Services group at ITD Headquarters recently put together a holiday food basket for the Idaho FoodBank and issued a challenge to other HQ sections to do likewise. The response has shown that ITD is not only a competitive bunch, but also very responsive to the needs of the less fortunate.

Research Program Manager Ned Parrish spearheaded the challenge, emailing other department heads in late October, including a list of potential basket items. So far, ITD's Aeronautics Division, Office of Highway Safety, Legal Section, DMV and Public Transportation group have accepted the challenge.

Contracting Services staff will deliver their basket to the Foodbank on Dec. 13, and would be happy to collect any other baskets and deliver them to the Foodbank as well. Parrish is at 208 334-8296 if any other sections are up for the challenge and want to coordinate delivery with him.

Published 12-06-19