Boost your mood with new
ergonomics training course

When you think of ergonomics, you might think of office chairs, standing desks and memory-foam mousepads, but the truth is there's so much more to the science of fitting our workplace to our needs.

A new ergonomics safety training course in TalentED provides step-by-step video instructions to not only enhance workplace safety but increase overall wellbeing.

The Idaho Department of Human Resources and the Health Matters State Employee Wellness Program created and shared with ITD's Training and Development team this new safety curriculum. The goal is to reduce body stressors and prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) across the entire organization. Increasing awareness of proper ergonomics can enhance both the mind and body.

"Proper ergonomics can prevent injury and illness caused by poor body position and repetitive motions," said State Employee Wellness Coordinator Angela Kraft. "It can also help employees feel more comfortable while working and increase overall energy and productivity."

MSDs, or soft tissue injuries, are painful disorders of the muscles, bones and joints. Repetitive tasks, long-term sitting or standing positions, and lifting heavy loads can all lead to body stress and MSDs. However, the issues don't just start and end with muscle or joint pain. Research published in the Journal of Occupation Rehabilitation found that workers taking time off as a result of MSDs are also at risk of developing symptoms of depression in the first year after the injury.

Repetitive tasks, long-term sitting or standing positions, and lifting heavy loads can all lead to body stress and MSDs.?However, the issues don't just start and end with muscle or joint pain.

Research published in the
Journal of Occupation Rehabilitation found that workers taking time off as a result of MSDs are also at risk of developing symptoms of depression in the first year after the injury.

"Your safety is a top priority at ITD," said TalentED Administrator Victoria Justin, "whether you are in the office, out in the field, or working from home."

Request and view the ergonomic safety training in TalentED or through ITD's employee page under the "training" tab.



Published 05-15-20