Streamlined driver's training transfers
save valuable time

By: Jeff Stratten
ITD Division of Motor Vehicles

When a young adult completed a driver’s training course in another state and then applied for a learner’s permit in Idaho, a cumbersome, time consuming process ensued. An innovation from the Division of Motor Vehicles promises to shave valuable weeks off each young person's wait time.

Out-of-state driver’s training courses must be reviewed and approved by the Idaho Department of Education before a person can receive a learner’s permit. Parents most often call the transportation department first. The parent would then be instructed to call the Department of Education. After that agency reviewed and approved the course, it would then send a notice to the transportation department to update the customer’s record in the motor-vehicle system.

After updating the system, the transportation department would then mail a notice to parents. All of these steps needed to be completed before the customer could then travel to the county office to be issued a learner’s permit.

To improve service to the young customer, now the Department of Education is sending its approvals directly to the parents. The parents take the approval directly to the county office. The county agents then create the appropriate record needed for the DMV system and the issuance of the permit. It is estimated there are more than 1,400 of this type of service performed annually.

“The new process is reducing the time it takes for the customer to receive a learner’s permit by one to two weeks,”  DMV Technical Records Specialist Leslie Oien said. “It is also an excellent example of two state agencies collaborating to improve efficiency and service.

Published 08-21-20