Ideas and videos needed
for 2020 Safety Stand Down
— September 30, 2-4 p.m. (MST) —

Reminder from D4 District Engineer Jesse Barrus:

Hello ITD — I hope everyone is doing well.

We are planning this year's Safety Stand Down, for the afternoon of September 30. We will be doing this via a virtual platform this year, focusing on COVID-19 best practices and the "new normal" we have identified in our work areas.

There are two main areas where you can help us as we plan this event:

1- Identify any new norms you have implemented in your work areas relating to COVID-19 you would be willing to share through video or pictures. If you have a great norm or best practice you or your team have implemented, please take a short video (under a minute) and send to me so I can get it reviewed and posted on our Microsoft Stream channel. I would like to highlight some of these at our upcoming event.

Please have these videos to me by the end of August.

2- Also by the end of August, you can help us with a fun activity this year called “This is how I Mask.” If you have a fun or creative way to show you or your team wearing a mask, get it on a short video clip and send to me. I would like to get several and show the collection at the event. There are many ways this could be done. Here is an example. Please forgive the actor (me) as he is learning how to be cool on the internet. These videos need to be relevant (promoting wearing a mask) and appropriate (no offensive themes or materials). Again, please send these in as soon as you can make one.

If you would like to post directly to the Microsoft Stream channel, please do so. It is titled "2020 Safety Stand Down." Here is a link:

This stand down can be fun and still convey important information. This is about keeping us, our loved ones, and our co-workers safe.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Published 08-21-20