Trailer Vehicle Identification Number innovation
saves time, money and digits

By: Jeff Stratten
ITD Division of Motor Vehicle

A new process to install vehicle identification numbers (VINs) on trailers is improving security and saving both money and time.

Trailers requiring an Idaho-assigned VIN were fragile foil decals attached using glue and two rivets. To prevent modification of the VIN, the DMV Motor Vehicle Investigators would stamp an Idaho logo on the foil decal.

The investigators often injured their fingers while using a hammer to imprint the Idaho logo. To install the decal required more than 15 minutes.  Some ideas explored to improve the process included providing investigators with air hammers and engraving tools, but at a cost ranging from $8,100 to $27,000, these ideas were dismissed.

Instead, the investigators developed a concept for a more durable VIN decal that included an outline of the state. A vendor was selected and is manufacturing the new decal for 31 cents less than the foil decal. Because the investigators are no longer stamping the decal, installation is taking approximately five minutes.

There have been 170 of the new decals assigned to trailers since the program started.

“This is an excellent example of a team proactively identifying, analyzing and improving an existing practice,” Dealer Operations Supervisor Brian Hokanson said. “We are providing a more secure VIN for our customers and saving money, time and fingers.”

Hokanson is the supervisor of C.J. Kendrick, who submitted the idea. 

Published 08-21-20