Surprise party for D1's Sausser
as she hikes into marriage

ITD’s District 1 office in Coeur d'Alene had a surprise party for Public Information Officer Megan Sausser earlier this week, complete with a toilet paper wedding dress game. Sausser marries Cody Jahns on Saturday, Oct. 3 in Spokane, before embarking on a honeymoon of hiking in Leavenworth, Washington.

Sausser joined ITD's Communication team several years ago, in November of 2017.

The District 1 celebration was held on Monday, September 28. The D1 crowd brought their lunches and social distanced outside. Cake was provided.

Marvin Fenn and Ben Ward volunteered to be decorated in toilet-paper wedding dresses. After much debate and good laughs, Fenn was declared the winner. At the end of the event, they had a cake-eating contest with the remaining cake — new employee Matt Heinechen won.

COVID has presented some challenges to the wedding - they originally had planned for 75 guests for the reception, then it appeared they would not be allowed to have a reception at all. They'll be allowed no more than 30 people now.

"We're excited for Megan and Cody - we wish them a long and happy marriage," said a smiling D1 District Engineer Damon Allen.


Published 10-02-20