
Leadership Summit - Team OMG
New Employee Onboarding group tackles orientation shortfall
The 2017 Leadership Summit was made up of 13 groups, but in the end, there would only be one group standing at the top of the problem-solving podium. That honor, selected by peers at the report-out on Oct. 25, was given to the New Employee Onboarding group.


Leadership Summit - Rupert 5S Team
Rupert maintenance shed finds that 5S goes beyond Spring Cleaning
5S stands for Sort, Shine, Set in Order, Standardize, and Sustain, with Study being a possible addition to the group. It is not a synonym for Spring Cleaning. Members of the Rupert maintenance shed learned that first-hand as part of the ITD Leadership Summit 5S team.


District 5
D5 partners with small town to put US-89 on a Road Diet and solve speeding issue
When city and state partner on a project, great things usually result. Such was the case recently in the small town of Paris, Idaho, where US-89 is a state highway and also serves as the small southeastern Idaho town's main street.


Leadership Summit - Call Me Maybe Team
Team focuses on communication requests
Sometimes the road you start out walking takes unexpected turns, and the final destination is not where you expected to end up when you first plotted your course. The Rapid Innovation/Leadership Summit “Call Me Maybe” communication requests team is the poster child for this sort of evolution.


Employee Development
ITD offers training to employees on board agenda items
For employees called to present an item to the Idaho Transportation Board, or just those interested in learning more about the process, ITD recently began offering training to employees on board agenda item preparations.


ITD Port of Entry employees aid stranded Florida motorist
When an out-of-town motorist found herself stranded in the median of Interstate 84 on the evening of Oct. 22, East Boise Port of Entry employees were quick to respond.
