
Excellence in Transportation Awards honor personnel
The Excellence in Transportation awards were given out Thursday in Boise to kick off the January board meeting. This week we highlight the winners in the "Personnel" categories.


Innovate ITD
Hinen submits ITD's 1,000th implemented innovation
Implemented ideas are the centerpiece of Innovate ITD. Jim Hinen of the Division of Aeronautics recently helped the department achieve a significant milestone -- #1,000.


Innovation x7
Kooskia crews use oil-delivery innovation from Blackfoot
Vehicle maintenance is something crews focus on year round, but especially in winter. The Kooskia shed recently implemented a Blackfoot innovation to streamline a basic maintenance function.


Career Development
ITD Job Openings UPDATED
The current list of job openings may help inform employees of the career choices available to them. It also may assist in external recruitment when looking for the best candidates.


Rivera ascends to Civil Rights Program Manager
Russ Rivera, who started with ITD as a contract compliance officer in 2012, was recently named Civil Rights Program Manager. His new position was announced in October 2018.


District 2
ITD takes the public on patrol with its first tweet-along
Communication Specialist Megan Sausser was able to participate in a special patrol at the end of December and use the opportunity to communicate ITD’s commitment to highway safety.


District 3
D3 "Parking Tickets" are reminder to back in for safety
Faced with a rash of near misses in the parking lot, D3 Safety Compliance Officer Eric Copeland and district leadership backed into an idea.


District 2
Graham Games create competitive spirit in D2
A candy challenge brought District 2 employees together over the holidays. Janet Zarate in engineering pioneered a game with materials donated by co-workers and admin’s planning genius.
