
District 3
Israel and Idaho: Peas in a pod? Swelling clay of Elephant Butte meets its match
What do Idaho and Israel have in common? Besides vowels, they do share one commonality – they are the only two places on earth to use Geocells to combat an issue with swelling clay beneath a roadbed.


Districtt 1
New multi-use path in Spirit Lake serves biking, pedestrian interests
A new multi-use path was recently completed in the northern Idaho town of Spirit Lake, connecting 5th Ave., city hall, and the fire station. It marked an LHTAC first, and a great partnership.


Office of Highway Safety
Shifting Culture: The 2019 Idaho Highway Safety Summit
ITD's Office of Highway Safety will hold the 2019 Highway Safety Summit in Lewiston April 15-17 at the Red Lion.


Career Development
ITD Job Openings UPDATED
The current list of job openings may help inform employees of the career choices available to them. It also may assist in external recruitment when looking for the best candidates.


ITD employees have an avenue to share their appreciation for the assistance and guidance that is an essential component of job satisfaction. These are the MVP cards submitted by employees in just the past few weeks:


Idaho Transportation Board
Aero’s lease, child ped. safety, ITD emergency management highlight February board meeting
Aeronautics’ lease, child pedestrian projects, LHTAC’s annual report, and the status of ITD’s Emergency Management Program were highlights from the February 21 Idaho Transportation Board Meeting.


Department History
Glass and roads CAN mix
Vault: Devin Rigby, D4's District Engineer, was a resident engineer in D6 on the I-15B project in Idaho Falls in the early '90s that used crushed glass in the roadbed. It worked, but it was an expensive experiment.


New interactive guide to military plates on department's website
A new online interactive guide to military plates to assist service men and women in determining which license plate they qualify for is now on the department's website.
