PASS the extinguisher!

ITD Emergency Services manager Neal Murphy (above) teamed up with Safety manager Randy Danner (left) to hold several fire extinguisher training classes Aug. 22 to ensure employees are prepared for and can safely use a fire extinguisher, whether at home or work.

The training emphasized the PASS acronym for most effective operation of the extinguisher:

Pull (pin)
Aim (hose)
Squeeze (trigger)
Sweep (base of fire).

Danner gave an in-depth explanation of the fire extinguisher and sharing best practices and lessons learned. Murphy reminded attendees of the new Emergency Procedures Manual and evacuation routes at Headquarters during emergencies and exercises.

"Everyone was very thankful and felt more confident in their ability to use the extinguisher," Murphy explained.

Danner and Murphy hope to conduct additional trainings at Headquarters soon. The District Safety & Compliance Officers may be coordinating trainings in their locations as well.

Published 08-31-18