Vault: It was a simpler time...
(2000): 3% of drivers using cellphones

Editor's 2019 note: A disturbing number of people still use cellphones while driving. Despite laws restricting talking and texting while driving in many states, a 2017 survey found nearly 90% of drivers said they used their smartphones while on the road. Yikes!

In 2017, distracted driving was a contributing factor in nearly 1 of every 5 crashes in Idaho. It was a contributing factor in 15.9% of all fatal crashes in Idaho in 2017, and the economic cost of distracted driving in Idaho was $820 million in 2017.

The below story appeared in the Transporter in 2000:

At any given time, an estimated 3% of those driving passenger vehicles on America's roadways are talking on hand-held cell phones, according to a new research report from the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). NHTSA estimates that 500,000 drivers of passenger vehicles are talking on hand-held cell phones during any given daytime moment.

Data was collected at 640 intersections between October and November 2000.

NHTSA data indicates that some form of driver a contributing factor in 20-30% of all crashes.

The highest use rate observed during the survey (8%) was by drivers of vans and SUVs during non-rush hours. Female drivers used cell phone more frequently than male drivers, especially female drivers of vans and SUVs, where use rates were nearly twice as high as male drivers (6% compared to 3.2%).

Published 01-11-19