Great customer service means roses for Robin

D1’s front desk receptionist Robin Karsann was surprised by roses delivered to her desk in late January.

Although she is happily married, they were not from her husband. Instead, the red blossoms were a gift from a grateful member of the public, who had just visited the CDA office earlier that week for a job interview.

The roses were for Karsann’s hospitality and kind words during his earlier visit. On the way to the interview, the applicant had struck a deer and totaled his vehicle. Needless to say, he was more frazzled than the typical interviewee.
After learning of his distressing circumstances, Karsann poured him a cup of coffee and helped him focus on his interview by reminding him to think about what he could bring to ITD.

According to the hiring manager, the gentleman interviewed quite well, despite the blood drops on his shirt and the tiny glass shards in his hair—he was even on time, too!

Days later, he returned to the office, flowers in hand.

“This is the first time I’ve ever received roses at work,” Karsann said. 

Published 02-22-19