Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I find out about road conditions in my area?
By dialing 511 or visiting on the Web, travelers are updated as conditions change on Idaho's highways and provided timely and accurate information.
How does ITD decide where a stoplight should be installed?
Stoplights are designed to ensure a safe and orderly flow of traffic. They provide safety for pedestrians and vehicles while crossing a busy intersection. Lights allow motorists to “take turns” when traveling through busy intersections and in the right locations. They can enhance both safety and efficiency for pedestrians and traffic.
How are speed limits set?
Speed limits are intended to supplement the drivers' judgment in determining what is a reasonable speed for particular road and weather conditions. Limits are imposed to assist Idaho law enforcement. They encourage better traffic flow by reducing the variances in speed.
What safety seat is right for my child?
What is the gas tax?
Gasoline and special fuel taxes are collected by the Idaho Tax Commission and are deposited into the Highway Distribution Account. Idaho 's fuel tax is 25 cents a gallon. Similarly, taxes on special fuels, such as diesel and propane, also are deposited into the HAD. The gas tax helps fund road and street jurisdictions, including all state, county, highway district and city jurisdictions.
How is Idaho's transportation system paid for?
Funding comes from federal, state and local taxes, and fees. Funding is driven by the department's strategic plan, based on projected federal and state revenues and appropriations by the Idaho Legislature. The available revenues are allocated to six major areas: highways, motor vehicles, planning, aeronautics, public transportation and management support.
How are decisions made?
Highways, aviation, rail and public transportation needs are considered when shaping Idaho 's transportation future. The transportation department recognizes and values the needs of a truly intermodal society, whether it involves improving at-grade railroad crossings, reconstructing freeway interchanges, repairing bridges, building bicycle and pedestrian paths, improving backcountry airstrips or resurfacing highways.
How are construction projects chosen?
The Idaho Transportation Department's construction itinerary begins with the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), a five-year master plan. The STIP identifies projects that have been selected through an inclusive and ongoing process. It represents the vision of the department's board and director, elected officials from throughout Idaho , user groups and concerned citizens, all of whom share in shaping the plan.
Can I hang an election poster along a state highway?
Putting election posters on utility poles, trees, rocks or on temporary stakes within a highway right of way is prohibited. Election posters may be affixed to privately owned fences bordering the right of way, subject to local zoning ordinances, providing the owner grants permission and no portion of the poster protrudes onto public property. All unauthorized posters are subject to removal. The transportation department removes posters or signs when they obstruct a motorist's view or are a distraction.
What is Idaho's Quick Clearance Law?
“Quick Clearance” is the law in Idaho as of July 1, 2005. The legislation is designed to improve safety and traffic flow on the state's interstates and major divided highways. If you are involved in a crash on one of these roadways that does not cause a death or injury, and you are able to safely drive your vehicle out of travel lanes, you are required to do so.
What is access management?
Access management is the process of balancing the need for traffic movement with property access.
Why is the transportation department involved with outdoor advertising?
As part of the Highway Beautification Act, Federal Law requires the department to provide continuing, effective control of outdoor advertising. We do this by requiring signs placed within federally designated routes to meet size and placement criteria, which vary depending on the location of each sign.
What is ITD?
The Idaho Transportation Department is committed to providing high quality, cost-effective transportation systems that are safe, reliable and responsive for the economical and efficient movement of people and products.
How can I request public records?
Click the "Make Public Records Request" button