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PERSI classes help plan for retirement

The Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI) will present a number of workshops throughout the state in the next few months to help employees prepare for impending retirements. The classes include PERSI 101, an introduction to the PERSI base plan, PERSI 202, a review of the base plan and comprehensive look at the PERSI Choice Plan (401(k)), and PERSI 505 for employees on the brink of retirement.

Detailed descriptions of the classes and the most current schedule follow. Employee groups interested in scheduling or serving as host of one of the sessions can forward their request to the Human Resource Department in Boise, or call Betsy Griffith at (208) 334-2451, ext. 297, or toll-free at (800) 451-8228, ext. 297.

PERSI 101 (2 hours): Introduction to the PERSI Base Plan (retirement benefits) and your PERSI Choice Plan 401(k). The class also includes financial planning basics. Employees will learn why they’re part of PERSI and how their retirement benefits may become one of their most valuable assets. The class is free.

PERSI 202 (2 hours): Review of the PERSI Base Plan (retirement benefits) and an in-depth look at the PERSI Choice Plan 401(k). The class will cover investment terminology, different ways to save and invest, asset allocation, compounding, tax issues and more. Participants will learn how to use the 401(k) along with other savings programs (457, 403b, IRA's, etc.) to build a financially secure future. The class is free.

PERSI 505 (all day): This presentation is for employees who are within five years of retirement. They will learn how to combine PERSI Base Plan and Choice Plan benefits with Social Security and other income sources for a rewarding retirement.

Also covered in PERSI 505 are health care costs, taxes, and estate planning. A $15 advance fee is required, but will be returned when employees show up for the class.

To register for any of the classes, go to the DHR website at and look for the form to download, complete and return.

DHR reports that demand for the classes has been “overwhelming” and most fill up quickly. New classes will be offered periodically, so theck the website for the latest schedule.

Unfortunately, DHR staff will not be able to come to Headquarters or the District 3 ITD office until some time this summer. ITD employees are encouraged to sign up for one of the following instead:

  • Feb. 12: PERSI 505, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Idaho Falls (location to be announced upon registration.)
  • April 1: PERSI 505, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Twin Falls (location to be announced upon registration.)
  • April 13: PERSI 505, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Boise (location to be announced upon registration.)
  • May 6: PERSI 505, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Boise (location to be announced upon registration.)