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Research points to increased Internet use at work

The following reports confirm that work computers are being used more frequently to access and retrieve information from the Internet during the regular workday:

  • An estimated 19.2 million computer users accessed the Internet from home and 7.9 million users accessed it from work in December 2002, with the “at-work” users accounting for 35 percent of the time spent on such sites (source: eMarketer)
  • According to an Arbitron report, 74 percent of online radio listening occurs between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, while only 145 percent occurs on the weekend (Streaming Media World)
  • A survey conducted on behalf of startup Open Orchard, funded by British Telecom, found that Internet misuse is costing Britain’s small businesses almost 1.5 billion pounds per year (BBC News)
  • A new survey from the Benchmark Group found that 23 percent of French employees use the Internet at work for more than an hour per day for personal reasons (NUA Internet Surveys)
  • As of January 2002, approximately 55 million American adults go online from work, up from 43 million in March 2000. Fifty-five percent of those with Internet access at work went online on a typical day in 2001, compared to 50 percent in 2000, and many were going online more frequently throughout the day than they had in 2001 (Pew Internet & American Life)
  • Americans are spending more time surfing at work and less time surfing at home. Ina typical day in 2001, 54 percent of adults went online only from home, down from 59 percent in 2000. But the percentage who go online only from work increased in t he same time period from 18 percent to 21 percent. (Pew Internet & American Life)
  • Internet streaming media is beginning to gush, and the market for servers capable of delivering video and audio will likely double between now and 2005, according to a study by the Cahners InStat group (
  • Workers spend an average of 21 hours online at the office vs. an average of 9.5 hours at home (Nielsen/Net Ratings)
  • Popular sites that are not always work-related attract many visitors during the work hours. gets 47 percent of its traffic during the workday; Travelocity, MSNBC, iWon and reported receiving 46 percent, 42 percent, 42 percent, and 41 percent of their total visits during working hours (Jupiter Communications)
  • During work hours, 9 percent of employees earning less than $35,000 annually surf the Internet for a new job, while 11 percent of workers earning $75,000-$100,000 do the same (Greenfield Online)
  • The cost to businesses from Internet broadcasts of the October 1998 Starr Report (regarding President Clinton) exceeded $450 million (ZDNet)
  • 24.3 percent of employees said they take precautionary measures to avoid detection ( survey)
  • 56.5 percent of employees feel that using the Internet or sending non-work related e-mails decreases productivity, and 31 percent of employers said they restrict employee Internet/e-mail usage ( survey)
  • More than half of all requests on search engines are “adult-oriented” (United Adult Sites)
  • The top three word searches on the Internet are: 1) sex; 2) mp3; and 3) Hotmail (