
Governor Otter outlines "targeted, responsible, sustainable" budget priorities
Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter said (Monday) in his annual State of the State and Budget Address that his highest priority for 2014 and beyond is investing in Idaho's "K-through-Career" education and workforce development system in a way that is "targeted, responsible and sustainable."


State of the State Budget Address
Read the complete text of Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter's State of the State Address delivered Jan. 6, 2014.


Transportation Board
Outdoor signs, railroads, funding will top board discussion
Discussion of the status of outdoor advertising signs, rail mitigation strategies and the department’s FY15 appropriation request will be the primary topics at the transportation board’s Jan. 16 meeting at Headquarters.


Quarles earns Toastmasters International communicator award
Public speaking may be a terrifying prospect for many, but not for Mary Quarles, a principal auditor with ITD's Office of Internal Review. Quarles recently developed and completed 10 speech projects as part of Toastmasters International's communication program. Her efforts earned the Competent Communicator award through her participation in the program.


Mel Coulter selected as ITD's new emergency program supervisor
Chief Deputy Scott Stokes this week announced the selection of Mel Coulter as ITD's new emergency program supervisor, effective Monday (Jan. 6). Coulter replaces Bryan Smith who recently retired. "Mel has an extensive background and a longtime interest in emergency management. I am confident he will advance our efforts to make ITD's program a national leader," Stokes said.


McCarty assumes additional role as acting communications manager
Mollie McCarty, ITD's Governmental Affairs manager, assumed additional responsibilities this week as acting manager of the Office of Communities. She will oversee daily operations of both the communications office and its staff in the absence of Jeff Stratten, who is on extended leave. McCarty will continue to represent the department during the legislative session in her role as manager of the Governmental Affairs office.


Highway Safety
Resist the need to speed
We all have places to go and I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself running a bit late. As a result, the impulse to drive faster takes over and I find myself starting to speed. Recently the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a National Survey of Speeding Attitudes and Behavior in which nearly half of drivers surveyed say speeding is a problem on our nation's roads, and one in five drivers surveyed admitted, "I try to get where I am going as fast as I can."


Picturing disaster recovery
Ada City-County Emergency Management: The season of gift giving has swept through many homes and precious new belongings have been added to the list of things that you do not want to replace. Unfortunately, fires, floods, earthquakes or break-ins could destroy, damage or remove these things from the home.


Customer Service
Business and Support Management open house set for Jan. 13
Business and Support Management wants you to know more about the unit so an open house is planned Monday, Jan. 13, in the Supply Building directly behind headquarters. Everyone is invited to stop by and learn more about what these people do from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Refreshments will be served.


Idaho's award-winning winter performance measures attract UK attention
Idaho's use of winter performance measures has attracted more international attention with a request for additional information coming from the United Kingdom. Joanne Edwards, principal consultant for URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited, recently contacted District 5's Ed Bala to find out more about how Idaho developed its winter performance measures and specifically its storm severity index.


Transportation funding
Encore (1-3-14): COMPASS makes transportation funding top priority
The board of directors of the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS) identified its legislative priorities at its monthly board meeting on Dec. 16th. The priorities identified four legislative position statements.


Highway safety
Encore (1-3-14): Journey to zero highway deaths continues
Brent Jennings: At times (especially at the end of the year) many of us might tend to look in the rearview mirror and ask if progress has been made. About the time doubt creeps in, a letter or note will show up on our doorstep that informs us a life was saved today as a result of the work all of us do in highway safety.


511 Traveler Services
Encore (1-3-14): 511 automates RWIS condition alerts
Idaho might lead the nation in automating road condition alerts for its 511 Traveler Services system. A few other states incorporate data gathered by remote weather sensors into their road reports, but Idaho may be the only state generating automated road condition alerts on the 511 website.


Encore (1-3-14): State launches redesigned official website
Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter announced Thursday (Jan. 2) the State of Idaho’s official website, Idaho.gov, has an updated appearance and greatly improved functionality. "We want to make sure your interaction with state government is as pleasant as possible,” Gov. Otter said. Continue


Outstanding Customer Service
Encore (1-3-14): Changes in POE financial transactions improve efficiency
Changes to how Port of Entry (POE) financial transactions are managed should increase efficiency and improve customer service as a result of a project completed recently by Financial Services, Revenue Operations and Enterprise Technology Services.
