
Innovate ITD!
Best of the Best voting for 2016 innovations now open
It has been an exciting year of innovation and sharing successes. ITD saved more than $1.2 million dollars, 27,000 hours, and improved customer service and performance measures for the citizens of Idaho in fiscal 2016. It is up to YOU to decide this year’s Best of the Best. You can vote for your favorites from Sept. 6-20, and may cast one vote per category.


What is ITD's Times 7 innovation initiative?
ITD employees have helped make the Innovate ITD program a huge success in a few short years, with 365 innovations through the end of last fiscal year, accounting for $1.7 million in savings, and more than 60,000 hours of saved time.


District 3 - Innovation
D3’s Fast Connect trims truck-changeover times
A time-saving device that quickly converts maintenance trucks into multi-purpose vehicles was developed and created in the District 3 Maintenance Shop. In as little as 15 minutes, a vehicle that was used as a sign truck can be converted into a dump truck, thanks to the Fast Connect attachment.


District 4 - Innovation
Small investment improves safety, mobility at signals during power outages
The power goes out, a traffic signal is down. There could be a dozen different reasons why the power it out, but if a battery backup system isn’t in place, then frustrated traffic is left to negotiate the intersection as a four-way stop.


Human Resources - Innovation
ITD using constructive-based interviewing to better align potential employees with goals and culture of organization
More efficient and effective interviewing is the aim behind a new technique the Human Resources team implemented this year. ITD has made a number of hiring decisions in the last few months using this new technique – rather than the traditional Q&A interviewing process to assess candidates


Engineering Products & Plans - Innovation
Training videos help maintenance staff focus on essential duties
A series of short training videos created for winter maintenance staff are helping them spend as much time as possible keeping highways safe, while learning about technology that helps them save time.


District 3 - Innovation
D3 welcomes new employees, prepares them for success with New Hire Orientation
Developed by District 3 Trainer Lori Fox, HR Specialist Barb Conklin and Safety Compliance Officer Eric Copeland, with support and input from District Engineer Amy Revis, the New Hire Orientation course was created as a way to prepare new employees for success upon joining ITD.


Engineering Services - Innovation
IPLAN enhances public access to transportation data
Mass amounts of transportation-related data are now accessible to any interested customer through the IPLAN data interface tool, available on ITD's public website. ITD's customers can more easily track down and work with needed information to find the answer to their questions, all without needing to directly contact ITD staff to request information.


Human Resources - Innovation
HR seeks to align hiring practices with culture, innovation goals
When some of the over-arching goals for the department are in the areas of culture and innovation, aligning hiring practices with those goals gives those performance initiatives a push in the right direction.


Administration - Innovation
ITD improves and automates support systems to strengthen Data Center
In the winter of 2015, a plan began to form that provided a more robust support infrastructure to ITD's Data Center. Although the Data Center had its share of protections and provisions, the systems that fed into it — namely power and water — were aging, insufficient and poorly supervised. The Data Center was frequently exposed to downtime, and eliminating even one unscheduled Data Center crash was calculated at a savings of nearly $3.8 million by industry standards.


Engineering Products & Plans - Innovation
Increasing design load for bridges saves thousands of hours
Approximately 2,000 hours of staff time will be saved during the lifetime of a single corrugated metal pipe or precast concrete structure simply by increasing the design load of the structures. “Potentially, we could be talking about hundreds of structures,” explained Bridge Asset Engineer Dan Gorley.


DMV - Innovation
Staffing solution enables customer-service upgrade
Last fall, ITD's Motor Carrier Services office was vastly understaffed due to retirements and promotions, which caused a backlog of phone calls and customer information/credential requests. In the interest of improved customer service and better internal efficiency, DMV staff collaborated in order to find a solution.
