
Schiller selected as new Executive Assistant to the Director starting Sept. 25
Beth Schiller, who has worked for the Division of Motor Vehicles as an administrative assistant since June of 2010, will replace Carla Anderson as the new Executive Assistant to the Director starting Sept. 25.


District 5 - Innovation
Vending machine for common supply items saves time
District 5 has adapted the vending-machine concept to supply items, greatly reducing the number of interruptions created by walk-through traffic seeking items. Before the change, if an employee needed an item, he or she would go to the Supply Section, request the item, and a member of the section would go back to the storage room, find the item and bring it out.


District 4, 5 & 6 - Innovation
District collaboration yields “economies of scale” savings
Clearly, maintenance isn’t the only area in which ITD employees think up and implement improved ways of doing business. Purchasing sections in Districts 6, 5 and 4 also have collaborated to save money.


Highway Safety/DMV Outreach
More than 1,200 eggs sacrificed to reach multitudes with safety message at Western Idaho Fair booth in Boise
Imagine a 1,200-egg omelet. Sounds a bit excessive, right? Idaho’s highway deaths (216 last year) were also excessive — so a move toward zero deaths on Gem State roadways was definitely part of the message at the Western Idaho Fair in Boise Aug. 19-28.


Red Cross thanks volunteers for successful summer blood drive
During the 24+ years that Trish Whitney has coordinated blood drives for ITD, there have been nearly 4,000 pints of blood pumped from agency personnel into waiting vats from the American Red Cross. Another successful summer season – traditionally one of the hardest seasons to fill because people are out of town, camping or otherwise unavailable – prompted a thank you letter.  


Department History
From the ITD Vault: 15 Years Ago (June 2001) - lTD Employees Help Save Trucker's Life
Responding to emergencies on U.S. 12 isn't that unusual for lTD employees Ron Frame and Rod Parsells. But a May 31 semi truck crash near the Wilderness Gateway northeast of Lowell was a uniquely stingy situation for the Powell maintenance leadworker and the special crew foreman. Not only was the driver pinned in the cab, but much of his cargo of about 480 beehives was swarming around the overturned truck.


Innovate ITD!
Encore (09-02-16): Best of the Best voting now open for 2016 innovations
It has been an exciting year of innovation and sharing successes. ITD saved more than $1.2 million dollars, 27,000 hours, and improved customer service and performance measures for the citizens of Idaho in fiscal 2016. It is up to YOU to decide this year’s Best of the Best. You can vote for your favorites from Sept. 6-20, and may cast one vote per category.
