
Department Leadership
Focus on highway safety earns Stokes AAMVA's Lifetime Achievement Award
ITD Chief Deputy Scott Stokes has spent his entire career advocating for highway safety issues, and that focus recently earned him the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. Most employees have never known an ITD without Scott Stokes.


Employee Safety
Safety gets a new look
Safety is getting a new look at ITD. Thursday (August 30), workers across the state will take off their orange vests for the last time and replace them with high- visibility yellow vests during a statewide safety stand down. Employees can participate at their district offices or supervisor's sheds.


Community Involvement
Safety tips for kids, parents, and drivers as school returns
The Idaho Transportation Department is committed to safety for all members of the public — even for the smaller, younger members of our communities. Most school zones statewide have been vacant for the past few months - but that's all about to change.


District 2 Innovation
Savings by the scale
A homemade storing mechanism for portable scales is improving customer service and conserving resources across the state. The steel stand holds six, 35-pound scales, which are used by rovers with the Port of Entry to set up and weigh vehicles on the side of the highway.


Statewide Innovation
New ITD water fountains save tens of thousands of bottles, and up to $35,000 per year
Eight new water fountains were installed at the main ITD Headquarters complex in Boise this spring. They have already saved thousands of plastic bottles, and greatly reduced iron, chlorine and dirt particles. District 1 is also considering converting. And District 5 was the original inspiration.


Wildfires and drones DON'T mix
It was widely reported that drones had interfered with, and hampered, wildfire-fighting efforts this past weekend. In short order, a public service announcement from Idaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter through the Idaho Office of Emergency Management followed.


Idaho Transportation Board
Employee accomplishments and ongoing efforts dominated the August 15-16 Idaho Transportation Board meeting in Coeur d'Alene
Traditionally, District 1 rents a large bus and takes board members on a road tour of the region, but this year was different. In honor of the “Year of the Employee,” the tour was planned and executed by employees themselves and highlighted their projects, equipment, and innovations.


Department History
ITD from the Vault - 25 years ago: Work zone safety campaign takes peril out of highway projects
This was my first work zone safety article for the Transporter, back in 1993. The approach may have changed with the passage of time - we don't use too many dancing highway cones that rap anymore - but the core message remains unchanged.


New SUVs will make Motor Vehicle Investigators safer and allow them to give better service
Motor Vehicle Investigators will now perform their diverse jobs more safely and efficiently by driving new Ford Explorer sport utility vehicles. Nine new SUVs will be deployed in the next 12-24 months.


Office of Highway Safety
SHIFT-ing the conversation
From the moment we get behind the wheel, until we arrive at our destination, there seems to be no shortage of distractions vying for our attention. Distractions come in many shapes and sizes – some are obvious; some subtle.
