
Safety Corner
Aero prepared to transport medical personnel, supplies
Idaho's Division of Aeronautics is making preparations to begin transporting medical personnel and supplies, should the need arise. Administrator Jeff Marker is hoping never to see the day arrive when the spread of the virus necessitates such an action, but he and his crew at Aero are ready if that happens.


Public Transportation
ITD’s Public Transportation group preparing for federal funding boost and dealing with dwindling ridership
This is an unprecedented time, at least in modern times, and so a slowdown or lack of services is to be expected. But that’s not what ITD’s Public Transportation group is experiencing. In fact, they are 100% operational – all services are still being delivered, just remotely.


Could your next five minutes bring Idaho $14,730? The Census thinks so.
Do you remember 2010? We couldn’t get Lady Gaga off the radio, this “Facebook” thing was really taking off, everyone was obsessed with New Jersey, and half of our new ITD staff was still in high school (scary). It was also the year of the last U.S. Census – and hasn’t a lot changed since then?


New traffic-tracker tool from ITD built to help forecast gas-tax revenue shows significant decline in vehicle trips
ITD launched a new traffic-tracking tool April 2 that allows government agencies, emergency services, and the public to see the latest changes in driver behavior on Idaho highways. It also helps the department forecast gas-tax revenue, and may be used as a diagnostic tool by other organizations looking to gather important information.


District 1
Specialized plow makes rock removal safer and easier
Many things have changed in recent weeks, but rock patrol remains a constant, and crews often come across debris in the road on their routine maintenance patrols in their pickups. Debris on blind corners aren’t good for drivers, much less operators tasked with keeping highways safe.


This Too Shall Pass
That was a statement I heard my mother say many, many times as I was growing up when I thought whatever situation I was faced with at the moment would define me and change my life forever. It was a good reminder to keep it in perspective. Certainly it requires an adjustment in the moment, but this too shall pass.


Working From Home...Now What?! UPDATED
Working from home is much more than relaxing in your pajamas all day long and eating ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Now that we are all on a mandatory work-from-home policy that means lots of us are dealing with an unusual challenge: working from home for the first time, full-time. Obstacles abound! One key is to follow your routine.


Idaho Transportation Board
Corona Concerns impact board meeting, but important work still accomplished
Despite social-distancing protocols preventing many members from attending in person, the important work of the Idaho Transportation Board carried on at the March 18 monthly meeting in Boise. The District 4 office building in Shoshone was discussed, along with the status and intent of statewide outreach workshops, and dispersal of $14 million in Highway Infrastructure Program funds.


Career Development
ITD Job Openings
The current list of job openings may help inform employees of the career choices available to them that make ITD a great place to work. It also may assist in external recruitment when looking for the best candidates.


Department Performance
ENR names ITD the transportation-system Owner of the Year in Intermountain Region
ENR, the Engineering News Record, recently named ITD as its “Owner of the Year” in the Intermountain Region. The department was also named co-Owners of the Year, along with Colorado’s DOT, for the entire Mountain States region.
