
Leadership summit
ITD gathers 200 for its first leadership summit
The “Building Leadership in a Customer Service Culture” summit brought 200 department employees and agency partners together to become better leaders and help make ITD an even stronger organization. The all-day summit, held Aug. 7 at Boise Centre, gave participants a wide range of learning experiences and the opportunity to hear from proven leaders, both in government and in the private sector.


Scenic byways
Grant proposals receive federal funds
Five of Idaho’s Scenic Byway projects were awarded more than $1.1 million by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as part of the National Scenic Byway Program’s 2012 award selections.


Highway safety
See an aggressive driver? Don't contribute to problem
Speeding, tailgating, unsafe passing and running lights or stop signs are aggressive driving behaviors that  quickly can turn roads deadly. ITD is partnering with law enforcement agencies across Idaho to make highways safer by providing federal funding for education efforts and increased aggressive driving enforcement patrols through Aug. 13.


Bogus Basin climb
Bike riders get grueling taste of alternative transportation
A dozen bicycle riders who share a transportation bond in their professional lives assembled at Highlands Elementary School in Boise July 28 on a ride that serpentined up Bogus Basin road to othe ski resort at the top. They no doubt enthusiastically agreed with a sign they passed along the long uphill climb: Think Snow.


Highway maintenance
Crews replace crushed culvert near New Meadows
A project that drew accolades from city officials in New Meadows recently eliminated a bottleneck for winter runoff and a recurring concern for maintenance workers.


Highway maintenance
Crews replace crushed culvert
Viewed at night, a culvert on Idaho 55 in Boise looks more like modern art than a water passage. But the crushed center part of the culvert is problematic, not asthetic. It constricts water flow and creates a significant maintenance concern. ITD crews began replacing the culvert at the highway's intersection with Hill Road last week


Highway safety
Encore (8-3-12): Law enforcement agencies team up to battle aggressive driving
Speeding, failure to yield, following too close, and disregarding traffic signals are all aggressive driving behaviors. That’s why Idaho law enforcement agencies will partner with ITD to target aggressive drivers and motorcycle riders on Idaho’s roads Aug. 1-13.


Speed limits
Encore (8-3-12): District 3 begins reviewing speed limits near cities
To increase safety and improve traffic flow, the speed limit on several sections of Idaho 44 in Middleton will be changed Tuesday morning (July 31) as soon as crews can change the signs. This is in accordance with state law giving ITD the authority to set limits on all state highways and interstate routes.


I-TIP comments
Encore (8-3-12): Public comment sought in selecting ITD projects
ITD is seeking public comment through Aug. 30, on the FY2013-17 draft of the Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP). The ITIP is a five-year “roadmap” for planning and developing transportation projects. The draft provides details on projects planned for construction through 2017 and the GARVEE Transportation Program.


Highway safety
Encore (8-3-12): In-car research may reveal crash causes
Virtually every vehicular crash starts with a poor decision on the part of the driver. Very rarely does the vehicle or roadway simply disintegrate causing the crash to occur. There has been a ton of research to investigate what happens to the human body during a crash, and the benefit of this research has helped create life-saving innovations ...
