
Transportation Funding
New transportation funding allows ITD to continue effective, efficient management
This week, two transportation bills were passed into law, giving ITD access to millions of dollars to invest in improving state roads and bridges. As before, ITD is committed to effectively and efficiently putting these funds on the road to benefit drivers.


District 3
Meridian Interchange, Broadway Bridge win Engineering Excellence awards
Reconstruction of the Meridian Interchange and Broadway Bridge recently won second- and third-place honors in the "Transportation" category of the annual Engineering Excellence Awards. A third ITD District 3 project, the Gold Fork Bridge rebuild near Donnelly, won first place in the Structural Systems category of the same contest and was profiled earlier in the Transporter.


ITD to host highway safety summit April 18-19 in Boise
Reducing crashes on Idaho roads takes a team effort. That team will be on display on April 18-19 as the Idaho Transportation Department's Office of Highway Safety will host its annual Highway Safety Summit, at the Boise Centre on the Grove.


District 2
Operations Conference a boon for new District 2 employees
For District 2 EITs Riley Bender, George Elliot and Marvin Ramirez, the 2017 Operations Conference was exposure to a lot of new ideas that can translate into better work processes and workflow back in the district office. That’s the goal of the conference — to share best practices that can be used across the state to do jobs easier and faster.


Information Technology
Governance Conference April 27 allows ITD Technology Services to analyze processes, set performance benchmarks for future
ITD's Technology Services section instituted a "Governance" process about six months ago to shore up what they readily acknowledged was ineffective management of technology. It was the culmination of several years of strategic planning and problem analysis.


DMV Contact Center provides employee-development opportunity
Because employee development is a key piece of the vision to be the best transportation department in the country, ITD is offering internal promotional opportunities for TRS2 positions in the newly created Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Customer Contact Center. The job posting runs through April 17.


Youth doesn't HAVE to be wasted on the young
It's comforting to believe that wisdom comes with age, perhaps because so much else goes away. But if you're still young and in a hurry to gain financial wisdom, the folks at Credit.com have posted a list of "50 Things Millennials Can Do Now So They Can Retire at 65."
